I am busy at work and finishing up last details for my event at the beautiful and very very expensive Bacara Resort and Spa, this evening. All the florals came in beautiful but at the highest prices, due to VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! I think I lost about 10 years off my life when I looked at the bill! None the less we are moving forward, and making sure everything is perfect.
Jasmine and I have been running around like Chickens with their heads cut off (She's The chicken and I'm more of a turkey... hehe) to make sure everything all turns out as planned. This Holiday makes everything more challenging, for our line of work. Regretfully (not really), this is my first Valentine's Day that I will NOT be taking Valentine's orders since I was 12 years old. I really don't know if I will miss staying up night after night the days before the black day, stripping roses, filling vases, dealing with desperado guys, and making bows...Oh so many bows . Everyone thinks "Oh Flower shops make SO much money on Valentine's Day!"
Well, Actually they don't. They work their tails off weeks before preparing. Only to find out wholesale flower prices have DOUBLED or even TRIPLED at times. For all of you that will be ordering flowers for V-Day, don't be cheap, just cough up the dough or go to the grocery store. My heart does go out to everyone in the flower business right now.
Okay that's enough from Debbie Downer!!!
On a "brighter" note I have to confess that I have NOT gone to the gym or dance class since I've been back from New York. UHG. Monday will be my day to get back in the groove.
Okay. BACK to work, I'll keep ya'll posted on how the event turns out