Nico Here! I want to introduce you to my all time favorite garden rose EVER, The Yves Piaget. The Knot Magazine just voted this the hot new up and coming flower for Bridal Bouquets!!! I Friggin' Love these fluffy, hot pink, ruffly, gorgeous, fabulous blooms. I wish I could make a bed of these roses, and then lay on down and die happy. Enjoy!
I stumbled upon the Yves Piaget roses about 3 yrs ago...LOVE FEST !!!!
ReplyDeleteNever come across any flower like it !
Way more gorgeous & fragrant than ANY peony !
Sorry peony...
Planted them at my Santa Monica house, they are right next to my meyer lemon tree.
Bought some plants a year ago at all places...Target !!!How the hec did they get their grubby hands on such a fine luxury?
Bought all they had !
Online now to buy more for my high desert pad.
I need more indulgent exuisiousity !!!
Anyone out there relating to this?